2475 W. 26th Ave
Denver, CO 80211
Jolly Corks Bar open Wednesday - Saturday at 5:30 (subject to change)
Denver, CO 80211
Jolly Corks Bar open Wednesday - Saturday at 5:30 (subject to change)
Starting Feb 1, 2022. Board #7777813 BPO ELKS 17 License #2022-17266
Tickets are sold during the week for $1. A winning ticket is drawn each Friday at 7 pm where the winner of the drawn raffle ticket selects a card from the Queen of Hearts Board containing 54 cards. The winning jackpot is paid to the person who draws the Queen of Hearts from the board. Each week the Queen of Heart is not drawn, proceeds from the previous week’s raffle tickets roll over toward a progressive jackpot.
For more information contact Lodge Secretary